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Canadian Fertility Awareness Week
April 21st-27th, 2024

As we celebrate Canadian Fertility Awareness Week (CFAW), let us reaffirm our collective commitment to compassion, understanding, and inclusivity for all those touched by the profound journey of building families. Canadian Fertility Awareness Week serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience, courage, and solidarity within the fertility community. Paired with Medicard’s unwavering commitment to accessibility and affordability, patients can embark on their fertility journey with renewed optimism and determination.

Empowering Hope and Healing

In Canada, 1 in 6 Canadians needs access to fertitility care and the cost of a single IVF cycle can reach $20,000. Frequently, multiple rounds of fertility treatment are required before patients achieve a successful pregnancy. Presently, funding for fertility and family-building care is only available in seven provinces, with significant variations in programs and service accessibility across the nation. Canadian Fertility Awareness Week (CFAW) provides a crucial opportunity to address the multifaceted aspects of infertility, including its emotional toll, medical complexities, and societal perceptions.

By providing accessible financing solutions, Medicard plays a pivotal role in empowering individuals on their fertility journey. Beyond the financial assistance, Medicard offers a lifeline of hope, compassion, and support to those navigating the complexities of infertility. Together, we can unlock the doors to possibility, embracing the transformative power of hope and healing.

Financing Your Fertility Journey with Medicard by iFinance

Understanding the financial aspects of fertility treatments is crucial. While advancements in fertility treatments offer hope, the associated costs can be prohibitive for many individuals and couples. Recognizing this barrier, Medicard offers tailored financing solutions to make fertility treatments more accessible.

Medicard’s financing options provide flexibility and peace of mind to those embarking on their fertility journey. With over 27 years of experience, Medicard connects you to an extensive network of service providers, establishing us as Canada’s largest medical marketplace. We offer bilingual service and are available 7 days a week to ensure comprehensive support. Discover our affordable monthly options and learn how our instant application process and prequalification can seamlessly integrate into your fertility journey without affecting your credit score.

Explore how Medicard is empowering individuals on their parenthood journey thanks to monthly payment plans for fertility treatments. Why wait any longer? Apply today!